So, after the whole bridge fiasco last week, I figured, I would be done with my bad luck for a while... but boy, was I wrong...
On Sunday, Josh, the puppies and I were hanging out at the house... just like any other Sunday afternoon. We had let the dogs outside for about 10 minutes or so when they started scratching on the door. Josh got up, let them in and watched Max run over and jump in my lamp. He immediatly then leaped over to the couch and got in his normal spot above Josh's head. Two seconds later, I felt a horrible sting!! An ant had just bit my wrist in two places. I looked around to figure out how the ant got on me, when I saw more on the recliner where I was sitting. I quickly jumped up, looked over at Max and saw that he was covered with ants, all in his tail!! I grabbed him, handed him to Josh and we threw him in the bath. While Max was getting cleaned up, I tried to kill all of the ants still running around in the house, on the couch and recliner. I thought I had gotten them all, when I leaned over and felt another terrible bite!! Ant #2 had found it's way to my hip and felt the need to also "attack", but this one was much much worse. A couple of hours later, the spot had grown to the size of a softball and had a tiny black hole where the ant got me!! Unbelievable!! Wonder if I'm allergic? Or if it was even an ant?! Who knows!??! Two days later, I'm still just as swollen on my hip. The swelling in my wrist has gone down some, but I still took a picture of it to show the damage.
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