Tuesday, June 30, 2009

60 miles for a cause

Disclaimer: I'm completely about to copy from Jodi.... Your blog said all that I was looking for, and I cannot wait for us to complete this journey together!!!....

Ok Family, Friends, Acquaintances and People I have yet to meet! A new friend of mine, Jodi, and I have decided to walk in the 3-Day, 60 mile, Susan G Komen, Breast Cancer benefit in November of 2009. I am ecstatic about this decision, and honestly a bit scared, because its a HUGE undertaking.

Cancer has played way too big of a role in my family history, as many of you know with my Mom being a breast cancer survivor...and I know that I may be fighting the odds as well. I have often seen photos and video of people that accomplish this huge goal and I am always in awe, and a bit envious of them. I want that empowerment in my own life, a sense of accomplishment for an amazing cause, the benefit I will receive for my own personal health and wellbeing, a sense of philanthropy to help people I have never met and to honor a my mother and all those who have been diagnosed with this life changing disease.

I am starting this adventure without any financial backing, and the fundraising venture seems a bit lofty. My theory is that raising some money is a lot, seriously- A LOT easier to deal with than cancer- so I am ready to tackle that head on. My first attempt is to ask my family and friends that read this blog to search within themselves to think about what you might be able to contribute to this cause. I am going to open my donation site soon, and will update the blog at that time with the information- but please think about all who will benefit from your donation- who may have benefited from this in the past and what you can do to help a most worthy cause!

I will also need moral support from all of you as I train to walk 60 miles in only 3 days!!! WOW, that is going to be fun, exhausting, and exhilarating all at the same time. Thank you Jodi for being my partner in this adventure!! It will be something that we will never, ever forget!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Update on my nephew...

Matthew Daniel is almost 11 weeks old now!! I can't believe it. Seems like he was born just yesterday. He is now in daycare with 5 other infants and doing well. Here is the most recent picture! I just can't get enough of him.

Sunday, Pool Day... Kiddie Pools count!!!

Sunday, I decided, was a perfect day to lay out... and since Josh and I do not have a pool, I decided to suck it up and head to Wal-Mart for a Kiddie Pool!! Amazingly, I got the last one at the store, and was thrilled about it. I got home, grabbed my lawn chair and filled up my new oasis (which actually wasn't so bad)!! The dogs really enjoyed it too... maybe a little too much.

Put on your Poker Face

Saturday was another night o'fun at the Clark's! We had a gathering for Rich and Carla, who were absolutely fabulous, by the way... (and I seriously think they need to consider moving back into their old house). This cookout, more like buffet, was complete with grilled chicken, beef tenderloin, pasta salad, cheese dip, salsa, cookies, cream puffs, etc. By the end of the night, everyone was stuffed and ready to play some poker. Max even got in on the fun!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The happiest day of the year?! Really?!

Supposedly, "June 20 is the happiest day of the year according to a math formula worked out by an academic. Apparently the feeling of optimism caused by the combination of lighter evenings, the prospect of holidays and memories of childhood summers is at its peak on
June 20."
So explain to me why last year on this day, I got an email that completely changed my life... (and not in a good way)... and this year I'm working on the so called happiest day?! Interesting!? Maybe it should be a holiday?! Either way, I think I'll pick a different day and celebrate on that one, maybe 09-09-09 (which just happens to be my birthday this year).
But for everyone else...hope you have a HAPPY 'HAPPIEST DAY'!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Project: Fence!!!

Saturday evening, Josh and I bribed the neighbors with Pizza, in exchange for labor!! We just had to repair the fence for the dogs... they were going crazy locked up inside. The night was actually a lot of fun... at least for the girls!! We ate, played with Carly, talked... and observed the guys while they "game planned" and then slaved away. I had to take a few pictures of all the excitement!
Please Note: Cheryl is in the picture, only to appear that she is helping... cute clothes and all! HA! I love it!!! Thank you all for the help!!!!

Oh....and I just had to add this picture of Max and Austin when the project was almost complete, peeking through the fence at the neighbor's dog... too cute!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stormy weather...

This weekend, Josh and I decided to fix part of our fence that has been leaning for a while. We headed out to Home Depot, loaded up on the wood, quik crete, nails, etc and headed back to the house to complete the project. By Tuesday, the fence was back to normal and looking great! I was really pleased with our work.

Then Wednesday, Mother Nature decided to wreak havoc on Keller, TX!!! I came home last night after the "unconfirmed tornado", to find the other half of our fence laying in the middle of our yard... just perfect!!! It also broke the brackets on the fence we have around our AC unit and cracked the wooden slats, leaving it flat on the ground in front of it. Looks like we have a another project for this weekend, if this rain would ever stop!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First year in Texas!!

Well, it's official. I've made it through my first year in Texas!!! (Josh was a couple of months behind me) As of Friday, June 5th, we have been in our Texas home for one year. I can't believe how time has flown by. A lot of it is thanks to our wonderful neighbors!! From the Fourth of July party to Cowboys game potlucks... dinners out at BWW and the infamous Barcelona Soccer event!!! Every time we get together we have a great time. I can't imagine living on Monument Ct without them!! Cheryl, Freddy, Austin and Sara, we love you! Thanks for being great neighbors & FRIENDS!!!! : )